Thursday 5 June 2014

Tips For Pregnant Women In The Month (Ramadan)

Fasting worship great how not one of the five pillars of Islam Muslims feel their value and benefits in the month of Ramadan every year and this is difficult for a Muslim or Muslim to fast one day without there being any hindrance calls it but licenses God Almighty for Women in particularly a pregnant or breastfeeding women breakfasts To learn more about this topic Euphrates met Dr. Safaa Sheikh market specialist obstetric and gynecological surgery and infertility saying.

If there is a two either fear for herself or her baby and her baby. itself may be due to physical illness cannot reconcile because of him between dealing with her medicine and fasting at the same time or feeling some dizziness that calls addressed to some tonics and foods rich in vitamins.

Either fear the fetus may be due advised the doctor for pregnant women with food balanced influenced by the size of the fetus, for example, or be due to infection in pregnant women diabetes, which requires, for example, take the needles of insulin in this case care we as physicians to make sure of taking a pregnant woman to Insulin needles in a timely fashion so as not to affect the growth of the fetus and the occurrence of congenital malformations him.Just One Click Www.Health.Revieweds.Com

God forbid. , but this does not mean that in all cases of gestational diabetes does not Women can reconcile fasting and addressed to the needles of insulin, especially if the needle is only one then it is adequate explanation of the holder in a way to take the needle but longer explain all the complications and the pros and then choose the carrier matching.

lactation and fasting that breast or the amount of milk production depends on the amount of liquids and food you eat proper breastfeeding, which is usually lacking in the month of fasting, when most of the women, but many of lactating women have equal possibility in fasting and in this case depends on the ability of women breastfeeding on several factors.

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